Call Us: (404) 841-9994
Buckhead Office:
550 Pharr Rd. NE Suite 410 Atlanta, GA 30305
Cumming Address:
106 Pilgrim Village Dr. #400,
Cumming GA 30040
Cupping is a form of alternative medicine in which cups are applied to the skin along the meridians of the body, creating suction as a way of stimulating the flow of energy.
Cupping treatment benefits:
* Traditional treatment to help reduce the tension and stress in the musculoskeletal system
* Helps to detox
* Helps to improve lymphatic drainage and circulation
How do we use Energy Patches?
Bio Energy Patches are for stimulating the body’s own natural healing mechanisms. Totally natural, safe, with no chemicals, the Bio-Energy Patch is made of special materials that emit a specific combination of vibrational frequencies to communicate and enhance your body’s natural systems. Bio Energy patches are compliant with all natural homeopathic remedies.
What conditions can Energy Patches treat?
We have patches that address more than
64 health conditions!
* Acne
* Adult Mental Focus
* Alkalize
* Allergies
* Appetite Suppressant
* Bacteria
* Bio Defense
* Biofilm Bacteria
* Blood Sugar
* Candida
* Children/Focus
* Circulation/Hypertension
* Cleanse
* D-Tox
* Digest
* Emotional Rescue
* Energy Balance
* E-Viral Guard
* Female Hormones
* Fibromyalgia
* GSH Glutathione
* Hashimoto’s Disease
* Healing XL
* Heavy Metal
* Joint Support
* KTAB (Kidney, Thyroid, Adrenal,
* Liver-Gallbladder
* Lyme
* Male Testosterone
* Migraine
* Memory
* Motion Sickness
* Mycoplasma
* NU Hair/Skin
* Pain & Inflammation
* Parasites
* Relax
* Sinus
* Sleep
* Stop Crave
* Stress/Anxiety
* Vision
* Weight Loss
* Well Being
What should I expect when using Energy Patches?
For most problems apply the Bio Energy patch on the upper left side of your body for best results. Energy travels better through the left side of your body. For pain and inflammation problems, place the Bio Energy patch on the source of the pain. You can attach as many as 4 different patches to your body at one time. You will wear the patch(s) for 3 days, then discard and repeat this procedure for a minimum of 30 days to assist in restoring balance to the body. There is no pain involved, as it feels like wearing a band-aid.
Who will benefit the most?
Anyone suffering from the above conditions can experience relief from using the energy patches. They are easy and safe approaches to use for all health-related issues. They are great for pets and children too.
Acu-stim is a medical device with transcutaneous nerve stimulation function, which can be applied to nerve points, muscle trigger points, acupuncture points or along a painful muscle.
Acustim benefits:
* Helps misalignment gently and safely
* Great for any structural health issues
* Vibrational tool, used to balance the body’s natural homeostasis
By inserting staple into the acupuncture point of the ear, endorphins are released that have a calming and relaxing effect that will send a signal to the brain telling your stomach that it is full (weight loss), your craving has lessened (quit smoking), or stress is relieved.
Ear Staple benefits:
Works great for all craving issues (i.e., sugar, alcohol, or drug addiction)
Piercing a vein or small artery at the tip of the body-finger tips, toes, or top of the ears-is a technique well known among acupuncturists.
* Helps to relax the brain and promotes deep sleep
* Helps relieve acute pain
* Helps to detox
What conditions can ear pricks treat?
* Sore throat
* Toothache
* Stomach -ache
* Shoulder Pain
* Insomnia
* Headache
* Back pain
* Irritability
* Skin issues
What should I expect during an ear prick treatment?
The medical lancet will be sterilized with alcohol preps along with the ear area to be pricked. The practitioner will wear gloves. This treatment discharges heat from the body and is calming, relaxing tension and alleviating pain.
Who will benefit the most from ear prick treatment?
People that are suffering from insomnia, pain, hypertension or skin issues will benefit from having ear pricks treatment. This treatment is not recommended for women who are pregnant and young children.
How do we use acupuncture for varicose veins?
Acupuncture treatment is a safe and effective approach to treating and preventing spider veins and varicose veins, Veins are the blood vessels responsible for bringing deoxygenated blood back to the heart, where it can then replenish its supply. Veins in the feet and legs must work against the flow of gravity to push the blood flow upwards. To aid in this undertaking, there are tiny valves in all veins that are supposed to prevent the blood from flowing backward. Sometimes sitting still or standing for long periods, will, over time cause the blood to pool in the legs and the pressure of this process will stretch out the walls of the leg veins, damaging their valves, and causing them to bulge.
What conditions can acupuncture for varicose veins treat?
* Poor circulation (called blood stasis)
* Vein/valve problems
* Blood clots on lower leg
* Stroke recovery
* Leg and joint pain
What should I expect during acupuncture for varicose veins treatment?
Applying acupuncture needles will help invigorate the blood and break up blood stasis. The needles inserted into the varicose vein force blood flow to resume, and the clog is essentially wiped away.
* Efficiently reduce or remove spider veins
* Improves circulation to prevent clot build-up
* Improves lymphatic function
Who will benefit from acupuncture for varicose veins?
* People that are suffering from pain and swelling in the legs.
* Those whose varicose veins are warm and tender to touch.
* People with bleeding varicose veins
* People whose skin has become inflamed, itchy, or discolored around the varicose vein
Call us to make an appointment for varicose vein treatment in our Buckhead or Cumming office!
Cold Laser treatments are generally used in two distinct ways:
Targeting acupuncture trigger points and broad coverage of tissue and bone with IR or Red-light photons to reduce pain and stimulate healing.
Cold laser benefits:
* Helps with scar tissue
* Helps calm the brain and promote healing
* Helps deliver in depth treatment gently and naturally
The use of electric stimulation with acupuncture increases the intended effect, which penetrates deeper for an effective pain management and pain relief.
Electricity benefits:
* Used in conjunction with acupuncture to improve the results of healing
* Promotes good sleep and relaxation
* Helps with fatigue and gains more energy
This device delivers precise, targeted energy that releases pain and tension by combining high-speed vibration with short-stroke action.
Rapid release benefits
* Very efficient to remove muscle tension and stress
* Delivers immediate results
* Great to combine with acupuncture for maximum healing results
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has used needling for thousands of years to assist the bodies natural healing abilities to treat skin laxity, fine lines, wrinkles, skin texture and other signs of aging. Microneedling and Nano Needling are being incorporated into our acupuncture services!
* Natural skin rejuvenation
* Stimulates Collagen Production
* Enhances the effects and effectiveness of other skin treatments and product absorption
* Targets pigmentation irregularities for more even skin tone
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have used needling for thousands of years to assist the body’s natural healing abilities to treat skin laxity, fine lines, wrinkles, skin texture and other signs of aging. Micro needling and Nano Needling are being incorporated into our acupuncture services for more healthy skin.
Here are some of the benefits you can expect after treatment.
Nano Needling:
Micro Needling
LED light therapy is widely used to support the appearance and health of skin by improving skin laxity and promoting collagen production. Our light therapy is designed for the face or body and is frequently used to support the improvement of:
Blue Wavelength
Effect: Bacteria killing, skin cleaning, cell activation, promotes injury recovery, acne skin sterilization, promotes wound healing.
Yellow Wavelength
Effect: Promotes circulation, helps with pigment, promotes smooth skin, helps with red spots, and promotes anti-redness.
Red Wavelength
Effect: Red light has the deepest penetration of the epidermis. Increases oxygen content in the blood, stimulates blood flow and circulation, can be very energizing, promotes collagen, helps with wrinkles and aging, promotes relaxation and more.
Our non-invasive varicose vein treatments have a unique approach to put the Chinese medicine meridian theory, thousands of years of folk remedy, dynamic understanding of our body’s energy flow, and specific targeted points for fast relief with pressure, swollenness, pain caused by varicose veins and spider veins.
In many cases, smaller spider veins can disappear after certain number of sessions, and the best benefit is that it triggers a series release of toxins, pressure and inflammation under the varicose vein, so it will lead to more long term solution and overall wellbeing by improving our heart, circulation and less resistance in the area, and create a smooth and healthy look on the skin.
Multiple sessions highly recommended for best results, it is not a quick fix, but long-term lasting resulting is more we want to achieve.
The system helps with body contouring and to maintain a relaxed posture. It also releases spinal tension, stiffness, stress, strengthens the back and ligaments. It is customized to your body with an internal projector that stimulates points along the spine that vary from person to person.
* It measures spinal length and curvature
* It checks the body pressure points
* It measures body pressure distribution
The infrared heat provides relaxation and a soothing massage that relieves muscle and joint stiffness, reduces arthritis pain, and increases blood circulation where applied. The integrated MP3 player with embedded speakers provides sound healing approach music therapy for stress relief and relaxation!
Need more information? Contact us today to speak with one of our experts.
Buckhead Office:
550 Pharr Rd. NE Suite 410 Atlanta, GA 30305
Cumming Address:
106 Pilgrim Village Dr. #400, Cumming GA 30040
Buckhead Location
Monday: 09:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 09:00 a.m.– 6:30 p.m.
Thursday: 09:00 am – 6:30 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Cumming Location
Sunday: 8:00 A.m.-4:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m.- 6:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m.– 4 p.m.